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What Is a Staffing Company and How Can It Benefit Your Business

What Is a Staffing Company and How Can It Benefit Your Business? 

What Is a Staffing Company and How Can It Benefit Your Business

Adding new talent to your team can be a hefty task. You’ve got to spell out the job requirements, run interviews, add them to your payroll, go through the orientation process, and so much more. Quite a process, right? But what if you could wish to the universe for the perfect team member, and voila, they appear? Well, that’s what a staffing company is. 

What Is a Staffing Company 

So, let’s start by defining a staffing company. Staffing companies, also known as staffing agencies, match job seekers with companies looking for new talent. They handle the recruitment and hiring processes and continue to manage the employees throughout their contracts. Picture it as your personalized hiring assistant, taking care of all tasks associated with the new hiring. 

The difference between staffing companies and standard contract employment is that workers are paid by the staffing agency, not the organization they are performing the work for. 

In other words, staffing companies are the ones that find candidates for your team, run interviews, hire the right talent, add them to their payroll, manage their vacations, monitor their performance, and even terminate their contracts. And you? You just tell them what you need, approve, and pay a monthly fee. There are different scenarios where companies turn to staffing agencies. 

Use Case 1: Sales Representatives for The Holiday Season 

Let’s say you work in a company that provides everything necessary to run an office: tons of paper, ink, and other supplies. And the holidays are your busiest time of the year. Wouldn’t having an extra pair of hands for the season be great? 

Hiring sales representatives for the holiday season is something many companies do to prepare themselves for the holidays. According to TimeRack, 16 million temporary employees are hired every year.   

Hiring your extra help for the holiday season through a staffing company can save you a lot of time and effort. The staffing agency can handle everything from finding the right reps to ending their contract. 

Use Case 2: You Need Special Skill for a New Project 

Let’s say you’re a telecom company developing a new product to innovate within the industry. But you need the help of a programmer with a specialized skill set in this project. 

This leads to two significant challenges: 1) Finding the person with the specialized skill set (since it’s a complex profile to find) and 2) Taking a load of work just for the talent of one single player. The time you can invest in preparing yourself and your team for the project. 

In this case, hiring through a staffing agency can be the best choice. They have a vast talent pool where they can easily find any profile you’re looking for and have experience working with project-based people. So, it could be a massive task for your team, but it can be a breeze for an experienced staffing company. 

Use Case 3: Workforce in Manufacturing Is Being Hard to Find 

Hiring for manufacturing is not easy. Handling a large number of people and organizing them to operate the equipment can be very complicated, specifically when day-to-day events happen, someone falls sick, asks for vacation, or quits. 

This is one of many problems; according to The Manufacturing Institute, 93% of respondents were struggling to find the talent they needed for their companies. So, how can a staffing company help in this situation? 

Companies can rely on extra help to find the right talent, they can also manage to have an outsourced team to navigate workforce fluctuation, and they can also downsize and grow their team when needed. A competent staffing company can be the partner manufacturers didn’t know they needed! 

Interested in Finding the Perfect Staffing Company? Meet OSI! 

At Outsourcing Services International (OSI), we are experts in helping companies worldwide with their staffing needs. Let us know what you need, and we will find the right solution or talent. We count on highly qualified talent who are eager to meet you! Contact us and learn more about our services and our top-notch hiring skills.

Eleven, to the next level

OSI celebrated its 11th anniversary with a full house.
As if to make a wish, on the 11th day of the 11th month, OSI turned 11. What started with 20 people now has almost 200 member representatives who made it possible to reach this milestone.

While being conscious of social distancing, OSI had a great turn out for the 11-year celebration;
we organized a live broadcast for all staff members. Two of OSI founders: our President Joel Ciniero and founding member Anthony Zabit, said a few words to commemorate this anniversary success story.

Anthony Zabit shared a sentiment of joy as a result of reaching this important milestone and shared his happiness with his decision to become a neighbor with everyone in attendance having recently moved with his wife and children to El Salvador.
“I want to start by thanking you all, for welcoming me to your beautiful country; on August 1st,
I moved with my wife and children here. We are all very happy to be living here in San Salvador. Thanks again for 11 wonderful years; I always loved El Salvador, and I remain committed to this country and its people’s success. Thank you very much”, said Zabit.

“Everyone is 11 years old today”. Please take a moment and feel the excitement, the sense of wonder, and the future possibilities of being 11 years old; that was part of the message from Joel Ciniero, President of OSI; referring to the fact that we are all entering a time where we will better understand what has been built in these ten years and that turning 11 begins a new stage of growth where OSI can better use its skills and size to tackle future opportunities.

“Today, not just OSI is 11; everyone here that is hearing me today is also 11. I want to thank you for being part of the this 
11-year-old body and I look forward to growing up with you to be healthy adults together”.

Said Joel Ciniero.

Turning 11 years old is synonymous with a new beginning. It is where we stop being children and begin to grow, where we better understand the why of things, develop a strong sense of self, and perfect the capabilities of our physical development. So it is for OSI on its 11th birthday. We are bigger, we are better, and we are stronger than before. Without you, OSI could not be 11. Thank you for making these 11 years possible.

“I come to work every day, and each one of you reminds me that we are growing. With our work, we create a lot of good for El Salvador as well as in the countries where we offer our services. Thank you for your participation in this great organization called OSI. Without you, there would be no me.
I believe in you, and our clients believe in you. Thank you very much for everything”, said Joel Ciniero.

Happy Anniversary OSI

The Winds of Change

One of the best things about visiting or living in El Salvador is the weather. The small, picturesque country where Outsourcing Services International has been based for more than ten years boasts a tropical climate with a wet and dry season. That may not sound overly appealing, but “wet” is a bit of a misnomer. During the rainy season, which runs from roughly May to October, it typically rains in the late afternoon and evening and is otherwise mostly clear. A gentle shower puts you to sleep at night and, the following morning, the sun wakes you. The dry season lives up to its name, with little precipitation from November to April, but it’s not unbearably hot. So while your friends and family in other parts of the world are suffering through brutal winters, it’s 80 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny here.

As we enter the final quarter of the year, and transition from the wet to dry season, we are reminded of the imminent changes by Los Vientos de Octubre (the October Winds). This term has transcended from generation to generation and is inspiring and nostalgic for many Salvadorans. They fondly recall the gentle breezes and cooler weather of their youth—putting on long-sleeve shirts or sweaters and flying homemade piscuchas (kites) with their classmates, friends, and siblings. The winds also signal that Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Christmas, and New Year’s are just around the corner. Families will congregate and share stories. Gifts and food will also be exchanged. One will be forced to evaluate his or her former New Year’s resolutions and to make new ones for the coming year.

The October Winds seem to carry with them a general sense of hope and goodwill.

At OSI, we like to ride these winds toward our clients’ goals—to achieve all of the lofty expectations we set at the beginning of the year. We like to finish the year as we began it: strong. We also start to plan and strategize for the following 365 days, assuring that they, too, will be productive, fulfilling, and rewarding for us and all of our clients.

Is your company on track to meet its end-of-the-year goals? Could you use a boost—a gentle breeze to push you toward the finish line and carry you into the new year? At OSI, we have 200 employees who are trained and qualified to assist your company and to add value to it. We provide quality service at a reduced cost, which is always a boost, regardless of the time of year. Our goal is to fully understand your goals and to design an outsourcing model that helps you meet and surpass them.

As fall descends on the United States, and Los Vientos de Octubre begin to shake the fruit trees of El Salvador, we want to wish you all a Happy October and productive final quarter of 2021! May the wind be at your back!

The best is yet to come!

Two months ago, we wrote about Independence Day in the United States and Central America. With the holiday being celebrated on September 15 throughout Central America, we wanted to revisit the topic, focusing more on the bicentennial celebration and El Salvador, which Outsourcing Services International calls home.  

As detailed in the previous blog, on September 15, 1821, five Central American countries—El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua—declared independence from Spain. Throughout September, these countries celebrate with food, parades, piñatas, music, dancing and other special events and festivities. A torch is hand carried and passed person to person through each of the countries. Lanterns, symbolizing hope and freedom, line the streets.

This year marks 200 years (el bicentenario) of independence for these five countries! And despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the celebrations are expected to be spirited, if somewhat smaller and more subdued than they would otherwise be.

In El Salvador, Independence Day is a national holiday and one of the most important of the year. Many employees have the day off—no small gesture in country full of hard, dedicated workers. In most cities, including the capital San Salvador, floral offerings and student parades and military ceremonies are held.

For this historic Independence Day, the mayor’s office of San Salvador and the national Ministry of Culture have scheduled a few special events. Government officials are expected to gather in Liberty Square in downtown San Salvador to honor the heroes of the country’s independence. According to event calendar Cuando Pasa, a military-style show, replete with jets and paratroopers, will be held at Jorge “Mágico” Gonzáles stadium.

Two hundred years of independence is a significant mark and certainly worth celebrating. Here at OSI, we recently celebrated a landmark anniversary—10 years in business, 10 years of learning and growing, 10 years of providing independence, so to speak, for our clients. Independence from busywork. The freedom for your staff to focus on what it does best. The promise of your company fulfilling its potential.

Gaining independence is a difficult battle and a collaborative effort. Many people play a part in the independence we proudly provide to our clients, beginning with the clients themselves and their staffs and our 200 highly trained employees, most of whom are from El Salvador.

Congratulations, El Salvador, on 200 years of independence and “Feliz Día de la Independencia!” We truly believe the best is yet to come for the country—and for our company!

Land & Sea

We are, of course, biased when it comes to El Salvador. Outsourcing Services International was founded in this small, picturesque Central American country and has been based here for more than 10 years. Most of our employees are from here and those who are not have come to proudly call the country home.

Though biased, we feel we are being at least somewhat objective and realistic. There truly is a lot to love about El Salvador: fresh food and drinks, mild weather, friendly and hardworking people, affordability. But perhaps its most appealing feature is accessibility.

At 8,000 square miles (21,000 kilometers), El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. This, in many ways, works to its advantage. Though there is plenty of breathing room in the country, especially outside of the capital city San Salvador, nothing is too far away; nothing is more than a three- or four-hour drive—and it’s usually much shorter than that. The entire southern border is coastline, wide and pristine. Distinct volcanoes and turquoise lakes dot the lush landscape. Want to visit an artisan market? There is one close by in pueblos bonitos like Juayua, Ataco and Suchitoto. Want cooler, fresher air for the weekend? Visit one of the many mountains, including northern-border landmark Cerro El Pital, the country’s highest point.

Naturally, OSI has taken on many attributes of the country where we are based. We have, in the context of this article, some things in common. Our 200 employees are friendly and hardworking. We are affordable and save you money in the long term. We’re not the biggest outsourcing company in the world, but we have a lot to offer. And, perhaps most importantly, we’re accessible. Though your company and OSI may be in different countries, we are always close by and available.

In short, we think there’s a lot to love about El Salvador and OSI. But, again, we’re biased. You will have to explore the country and the company yourself and make your own determinations and comparisons. If you do, we’re confident you’ll be pleasantly surprised by both.