The Truth About Outsourcing

The unemployment rate is low, the minimum wage is on the rise and American workers seem to be doing better than ever. Despite claims that outsourcing is destroying the United States economy, we are living in a time where the proof is in front of our eyes—it’s making it stronger! Outsourcing, and companies who utilize it, have suffered as a result of numerous misconceptions about Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). What is the truth?

Outsourcing Goes Both Ways

While some people are concerned about American companies outsourcing and taking jobs “away,” in reality, the value of international BPO to US citizens outweighs the value of US investments. Currently, international corporations employ over 5.5 million people in the US. In this way, BPO benefits the international and national economy by creating jobs.

BPO Gets More Bang for Your Buck

Many companies choose to outsource for opportunity cost, not just financial cost. If a small technology company does not need a full-time HR department, but still needs someone to perform the related tasks, outsourcing can fill the position. By filling the position, the owner of the company now has extra money and extra time that can be spent doing more important things, like meeting with venture capitalists or focusing on building a strong team.

A Bigger Talent Pool

There is a tremendous amount of talent in the United States, but there is also a world full of talent outside of the border. Many small and mid-sized businesses have difficulty finding the talent they need at an affordable price. BPO allows any company to tap into an international talent pool that is highly-skilled, well-trained and affordable. When you partner with the right outsourcing company, you can hire skilled professionals offshore at a fraction of the cost (and without needing to invest in training and overhead).

Work Faster

BPO also enables companies to get more done in a shorter amount of time, especially if you partner with a company in another time zone. While your business is closed, your outsourced team members can tackle their daily tasks and have them waiting on your desk the next morning. BPO also accelerates normal business processes so that you can receive high-quality deliverables in a shorter amount of time, decreasing lead time before you can deliver products and services to your customers.

Choose the Right Outsourcing Partner

Outsourcing Services International is dedicated to helping businesses like yours grow and thrive in a competitive, changing marketplace. We are proud to bust the myths around outsourcing every day and look forward to working with you!

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