The Top 8 Reasons Your Facebook Page Isn’t Generating Results

Facebook PageFacebook presents businesses with tremendous opportunities. However, if you are making social media marketing mistakes or targeting the wrong consumers, you could spend plenty of time and money on your Facebook page with little to show for it. If your Facebook page isn’t getting your business results, here are 8 reasons that might be why.

You Aren’t Delivering Consistent Content

Consistency is key with any content marketing, especially social media marketing. If you don’t publish good content on a regular basis, users won’t see your posts in the newsfeed. Inconsistent posting every week will never capture enough attention to get you results.

Your Page Feels Robotic

Many business Facebook pages fail because posts center around products instead of people. If your posts feel robotic and detached, why would users bother engaging? Instead of approaching your social media platform of choice as a way to make sales, approach it as a way to connect with customers, person to person.

Your Content Is Repetitive

Optimal postings are divided into three categories: posts that entertain, posts that educate and posts that excite. If you aren’t using a mix of the 3, your audience might be bored.

Your Posts Feel Like They’re Written by Someone Else

It can be hard to establish and maintain a brand voice, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worthwhile to do so. Every post on your Facebook page should sound and feel like it was written by your team, even if it was written by someone else.

You Don’t Understand Your Audience

If you created your Facebook strategy without a target audience in mind, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. You wouldn’t go on a road trip without a map, so you should never invest time in social media marketing without a solid understanding of your target audience and your goals.

You Don’t Pay Attention

Even if you have a social media marketing strategy, if you haven’t taken the time to assess how it is working, you might be setting yourself up for failure. Conduct regular reviews of your Facebook page and posts. What posts are getting the most engagement? What posts are performing poorly? Pay attention and monitor your page frequently.

You Are Ignoring Comments

Just like customers expect you to respond to emails, social media users expect you to engage with comments. Negative comments give you a chance to win a customer back, and positive commenters can be turned into strong brand advocates. Never ignore comments and messages on your Facebook page.

You Aren’t Utilizing Advertising

As a result of changes to the news feed and organic reach capabilities, companies who don’t invest in Facebook advertising can experience unsatisfactory results. No Facebook page can be successful without investing anything into advertising. Once you attract your core audience and cultivate it, you can spend less on advertising for likes and more on advertising to the community you have built.

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