OSI Business Continuity




OSI has established a business continuity plan that addresses a variety of potential scenarios. We are taking proactive steps to mitigate any impact to our customers and employees and we are continually updating our plans as this situation develops.

Here are some Q&As that are important to know:

Will my employees be able to perform their duties as assigned with this plan?

Yes, OSI will remain open and permit employees into the office unless the government changes the new Social Distancing programs to include work from home services where available. OSI has provided an individual supply of hand sanitizers and made facial masks available to each employee. Additionally, OSI is streaming PSA’s throughout the office environment encouraging best practices on personal hygiene and healthcare.

Will OSI’s core operating team be affected by the work from home program?

No, all Administrative, Human Resource, Payroll, Accounting and Executive personnel have been issues laptops and network access with their daily office phone numbers on both their desktop and cell phones for uninterrupted administrative operation.

How will I know if employees will be required to work from home?

OSI will communicate any change in the workplace environment to you as soon as we become aware of such changes. The Salvadoran government is strongly recommending Social Distancing protocols for employees that can work home.

How do I know if my employee has sufficient Internet at their home to work remotely?

As part of this program, OSI is prepared to subsidize employee DSL home Internet connections such that there will be sufficient Internet available to perform day to day tasks. Naturally, the Internet from home will not be as robust as that which is provided in the OSI offices. Still, we have tested this program with great success with typical DSL. Circuits. OSI cannot overemphasize that the time to take this action is before mandatory home quarantine takes effect as a huge demand will be put on the DSL providers and delayed bandwidth modification may affect your employees’ ability to perform their jobs from home.

Is there a cost to this Business Continuity Plan?

Yes, OSI charges $99 per month per employee for the deployment of a Laptop, headset and mouse, all software and security management to keep your data safe while your employee works remotely and includes an employee Internet subsidy where required. Additionally, OSI will maintain all devices remotely through Microsoft Intune such that Applications, USB access and hard drives are fully protected (more details available from your account manager). OSI will waive any setup fees usually associated with this service during this pandemic.

Am I obligated to participate in this Program for $99 per month per person?

No, you can simply send an email to your Account Manager to ask NOT to have this deployment delivered to your team. There will be no further obligation on your part in the future. It is important, however, that we hear from you if you do NOT want this additional business continuity product.

Who can I contact for additional details about the plan and how it applies to me?

Cesar Rodas – crodas@osinearshore.com

Williams Arbaca – wabarca@osinearshore.com

Joel Ciniero – jciniero@osinearshore.com